Friday, April 16, 2010

Failure of GSLV and privatization of Research and development fields.

Recently the Geo Synchronous satellite launch vehicle(GSLV) failed to achieve its aim. This broke the ISRO's dreams to join the cryogenic technology teams.

India has no choice but to master this technology in the long run as it is technology that has been denied to the country. It was a long research and development done and took the country more than 15 years to develop the cryogenic engine as technology . The reason for this mission was America put pressure on Russia and forced the cancellation of an Indo-Russian technology transfer deal. US worried the Indians would make missiles out of this technology.

Sources adding that there will be a thorough probe into why the cryogenic engine failed. 

 This reminds me some times the phone calls I made to my native to any BSNL number. When ever i call to my home and unfortunately if that number is busy, i get a message from other end telling "The dialed number is busy, please call after some time" in both english and hindi. It is too pathetic that the voice clearly tells that the lady whose voice is recorded is not at all interested in this job. The hindi recorded voice and pronunciation is also unbearable.

I also heard when we call to BSNL customer care, they reply in such a manner that network related/ any other issue which we wanted to complaint are created by the poor user itsellf!!!

The reason for this irresponsibility arises from the fact, I am a government employee. No one can sack me.

Here comes the thought on GSLV. We know the ISRO is really dedicated There are hard working engineers. They have spent around 15 years to develop a cryogenic engine, and atlast it went into water. There were number of reasons according to the scientists of ISRO like the climate keep changing which affects the movement of a particle on space. My thought is is it really need 15 years to develop a machine? Whether other countries did take similar time atleast around? Is the excess money available for ISRO allocated in each budget making them lazy to do things fast?

Sudden resolution in my mind is semi-privatisation. We are seeing lots of private companies achieving their results so early to  their dead lines. This is due to the dedication the employees provide due to the realisation that I get sacked if i dont perform well.

Now India is advanced in all other fields, but our "chandrayaan" was not a success. Now the GSLV failure. I think Govt needs to re-think in this areas. Because Government spends almost equal amount to ISRO and defence. And as we know defence it is required but as a tax payer to my india and being a patriotic citizen I have the right to think on these kind of deadly issues which affect the proud of my country.

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